Monstera adansonii, gets its name from its large, heart-shaped leaves. As the plant ages, the leaves become covered with holes that resemble Swiss cheese. This is a tropical perennial plant from Central and South American that is normally grown as a houseplant. Swiss cheese plant is very easy to grow, and it loves to climb. If you give it a stake or trellis to grow upward, you'll enjoy larger leaves with those unique holes.
Styled in The Nursery Exclusive MOTT Terrazzo Pot & Saucer.
Height: 30cm
Pot Width: 15cm
*Plants in the photo are for illustration purposes only.
Monstera Adasonii in MOTT Terrazzo Pot (15cm)
Bright but indirect sunlight.
Allow the top 1/3 of the soil to dry out between watering.
*Ensure water drains from the hole below the pot during watering each time. To test for dryness, insert an index finger into the soil accordingly.